News list for " self-proclaimed"

Cryptocurrency User Destroys $7 million Ethereum, Warns of'Mind Control 'Through Brain Chip

A man who described himself as an "ordinary programmer and entrepreneur" destroyed and donated about $7 million of Ethereum as a protest and personal statement against what he described as a long-term experience of being watched and manipulated by a "brain control organization". Now, crypto Twitter users are trying to access his remaining funds. The user, who identified himself as Hu Lezhi, sent around 2,553 ETH (worth around $7 million) through multiple transactions over the past week.

2025-02-18 00:59:29
French users who bet more than $30 million on a Trump victory on Polymarket claim the move is "apolitical"

A French user who identified himself as Théo, a former US banker who bets on multiple accounts, has bet more than $30 million on the Polymarket platform to support Mr. Trump's 2024 election, saying the move was "apolitical" and purely for profit. If Mr. Trump wins, he will earn more than $80 million; if Harris wins, he will lose most of his money. The investment is almost all of his current assets.

2024-11-01 23:00:36
"Cyber Nation" project Praxis raises $525 million to build cryptocurrency-friendly cities

Praxis, a project that claims to be the world's first "cyber nation," announced on Tuesday that it has received $525 million in funding to build a tech frontier city to support the development of crypto, artificial intelligence, energy and biotechnology. According to the announcement, the fundraising participants include Arch Lending, GEM Digital, Manifold Trading, etc. New angel investors include Dan Romero (CEO of Farcaster), Tom Schmidt (General Partner of Dragonfly), Rob Hadick (General Part...

2024-10-15 22:31:26
Bitcoin L2 protocol GOAT Network publishes economic model

The GOAT Network, which claims to be the "first Bitcoin Layer 2 with shared network ownership," has released its economic model. According to the team: "The briefing outlines the GOAT Network's economic model, revealing how its BTC Layer 2 addresses challenges in terms of security and limited BTC revenue, and leverages a decentralized sorter framework with shared rewards to generate sustainable BTC gains in BTC numeraire for BTC holders." GOAT Network said: "GOAT Network uses decentralized sorte...

2024-08-15 20:32:57
Trump Friend: Trump has been interested in cryptocurrencies for the past two years

On July 30th, Bill Zanker, the founder of The Learning Annex and a self-proclaimed long-time friend of former US President Donald Trump, revealed in an interview that Trump has been interested in cryptocurrencies for the past two years. Zanker explained that he first proposed the idea of issuing an NFT to Trump two years ago, but Trump was hesitant at first. It was not until December 2022 that Zanker proposed the idea again that Trump agreed. This inspires...

2024-07-30 09:36:51
Nigerian police arrest crypto billionaire Linus Williams

Nigerian police have confirmed the arrest of self-proclaimed cryptocurrency billionaire Linus Williams, also known as Blord. Williams faces charges related to cyber fraud, terrorist financing and breaches of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Act. A police spokesperson said some of Williams' charges involved fraudulent activities using cryptocurrencies. Specifically, he ran a trading platform that used naira to buy stablecoins USDT and bitcoin, which violated the country's laws.

2024-07-17 04:29:21
Craig Wright was handed over to British prosecutors on suspicion of perjury

Market News: Self-proclaimed Bitcoin creator Craig Wright has been handed over to UK prosecutors on suspicion of perjury. Previously, the British High Court has approved the issuance of a global freezing order (WFO) against Craig Wright, freezing the amount of 1.548 million pounds (about 1.98 million US dollars).

2024-07-16 09:38:17
Justin Sun calls himself a "low-end version of Musk" to consider acquiring Weibo

Sun Yuchen posted on the X platform claiming that "low-end version of Musk" intends to consider acquiring Weibo. He said that Weibo's current market value is indeed not high, 2 billion US dollars, and it earns 300 million US dollars a year. The price-to-earnings ratio is only 6 times, and the moat is OK. The traffic is very large. In the future, this can also incubate other businesses. At the same time, he asked the community how to acquire and prosper and build together.

2024-07-12 14:26:01
If Trump is elected, he may need to continue working with Gensler

Former President Donald Trump, a self-proclaimed pro-crypto candidate, plans to end the "anti-crypto movement" within an hour of taking office, but his team has remained silent on specific policies. Current SEC Chairperson Gary Gensler is in office until 2026, and Trump cannot immediately remove him. The president can only fire SEC commissioners for "inefficiency, negligence, or malfeasance." Incumbent President Joe Biden has nominated Caroline Crenshaw for re-election as SEC commissioner, and t...

2024-06-21 21:51:34

7x24 Newsflash

10:00 2025-03-19
某鲸鱼过去 30 分钟内将 4.35 万枚 AAVE 转入 FalconX,价值约 748 万美元
据余烬监测,曾在 2024 年 6~8 月以 89 美元价格抄底囤积 160,710 枚 AAVE 的鲸鱼,在过去 30 分钟内将 4.35 万枚 AAVE(价值约 748 万美元)转入 FalconX。 该鲸鱼从 2024 年 10 月开始陆续出售兑现利润,目前已经出售了其中 9.66 万枚 AAVE(约合 1,603 万美元),平均售价 166 美元,实现利润 744 万美元。在本次转移后,该地址仍持有 6.7 万枚 AAVE(约合 1,154 万美元)。
09:51 2025-03-19
据The Data Nerd监测,1小时前,Ceffu热钱包向Binance存入多个代币: ·15,000枚ETH(2899万美元) ·1365.6万枚USDT ·1,200枚WBETH(248万美元)。
09:42 2025-03-19
QCP Capital:比特币在8万美元寻获脆弱支撑,将密切关注美联储任何鸽派转变
QCP Capital 最新分析指出,最大的近期风险是即将到来的4月2日截止日期,预计特朗普将推出新一轮互惠关税。这仍然是风险资产面临的最直接阻力。今晚的美联储FOMC会议很可能维持利率不变。然而,QCP Capital 将密切关注任何...
09:23 2025-03-19
慢雾发文表示,加密用户需警惕浏览器扩展插件可能会在不知情的情况下被出售给恶意者。恶意者可以轻松购买一个 Chrome 扩展程序并劫持现有用户的浏览流量,将其重定向到任何他们想要的地方。没有警报,没有提示。除非需要新的权限,否则不会察觉任何异常。在 @tuckner 的调查中,发现一个拥有 40 万用户的扩展已更换所有者,保持警惕。
09:20 2025-03-19
加密倡导组织 Digital Chamber 总裁 Cody Carbone 将接任 CEO
加密货币倡导组织 Digital Chamber 的创始人 Perianne Boring 在担任首席执行官十多年后即将卸任,该组织正在提拔其总裁 Cody Carbone 接任最高职位,而 Boring 将转任董事会主席。 数字资产领域有众多游说团体,他们在美国国会、白宫和监管机构中游说,Digital Chamber 是其中最知名的团体之一,会员数量最多,但近年来其资金一直落后于 Blockchain Association。
09:08 2025-03-19
Meteora推出Meteora Rising孵化器
Meteora宣布推出Meteora Rising孵化器,旨在支持社区构建的工具在DLMM上的发展,由LPArmy开发者关系负责人Geek Lad领导。将对正在构建能够帮助LP优化、自动化或跟踪其在DLMM上的仓位的工具进行资助。
09:02 2025-03-19
分析师:预计美联储将提高通胀预期 同时降低增长预期
08:59 2025-03-19
3月19日消息,据数据平台Dune.com分析师 @lz_web3 最新数据显示,3月18日币安钱包单日链上交易额达9055.6万美元,占当日加密钱包赛道总交易量的54.1%,位居市场首位。 数据显示,排名第二的GMGN钱包当日交易额为3867.9万美元,约为币安钱包交易量的42.7%。在活跃交易用户数方面,币安钱包以28,103名用户居首,占全赛道活跃交易者总数的29.5%。 目前,币安钱包已支持BNB Smart...
08:56 2025-03-19
aixbt 遭钓鱼攻击损失 55.5 ETH,已暂停仪表盘进行安全升级
08:56 2025-03-19
腾讯云将投资 6.5 亿美元在沙特和印尼建设数据中心
腾讯云计划投资超过 6.5 亿美元,扩大其在中东和东南亚的全球基础设施。这一消息是在 3 月 19 日于上海举行的腾讯云城市峰会上宣布的。 腾讯云及智慧产业事业群CEO汤道生表示,腾讯云将在沙特建立首个数据中心,投资额超过1.5亿美元。此外,腾讯云还将投资5亿美元在印尼建设第三个数据中心。
08:56 2025-03-19
OKX Web3钱包正式启用新域名
3月19日消息,据官方公告显示,OKX Web3钱包宣布正式启用新域名,作为用户在网页端参与 OKX Web3 相关产品及去中心化服务入口。新域名涉及OKX DEX、搜索赚币、发现板块、OKX 市场和开发者中心等服务,用户需前往新域名继续使用相关功能。官方表示启用新域名后,用户资产及已参与的 OKX Web3 相关服务均不受影响。
08:53 2025-03-19
BNB发起善意联盟Good Will Alliance对抗MEV三明治攻击
BNB发起善意联盟Good Will Alliance,该计划旨在团结基础设施建设者、验证者和更广泛的社区,在 BNB 生态系统内建立道德标准、最佳实践和增强的安全性,旨在抵制恶意MEV行为,据悉BNB将首先采取针对性措施打击三明治攻击。